Formed 2002Comprised of all Squadrons in Rensselaer County, NY
2024 - 2025 OFFICERS
Erik Klein North Greenbush Memorial

Vice Commander William Baker Melvin Roads |
Vice Commander T B D Gerald O'Neil |
Vice Commander T B D North Greenbush Memorial |
Sergeant At Arms Bill McGuirk North Greenbush Memorial

Advisor * Paul DeLair North Greenbush Memorial
* Appointed by
County American Legion
Past Commanders
2021 - 2024 Kevin Harrington Melvin Roads
2018 - 2021 William Niemiec Gerald O'Neil
2014 - 2018 Chris Gilluley Gerald O'Neil
2012 - 2014 Kevin Harrington Melvin Roads
2010 - 2012 William Shanno Gerald O'Neil
2004 - 2010 Kevin De Russo Melvin Roads
2002 - 2004 Michael Stammel Gerald O'Neil
Suddenly, May 19, 2006, ROBERT THIBAULT, our County and District Advisor passed away. He was the father of our longtime
Squadron and County Treasurer, Tom. Both Bob’s grandsons, Tommy and James are squadron members. He was also serving the
American Legion as the Adjutant for both Rensselaer County and Melvin Roads Post and was Post Commander 2004-2005.
He is interred at the Saratoga National Cemetery.
County Meetings - 7pm
- November 6 - North Greenbush
January 14 - Melvin Roads
March 4 - Gerald O'Neil
May 7 - North Greenbush (Annual Meeting - Election of Officers) |
Annual Department (NY State) Officers Visitation Dinner The Last Thursday in January
- Our guests are the American Legion Commander, Auxilary President and Sons Commander
and District
and County officers and members from around the state.
- The Award Winning Legion Marching Band, Yankee Doodle Band from Fort Crailo Post plays during cocktail hour.
- The Melvin Roads and North Greenbush Posts take turns hosting and serving a great meal.
- Speeches are given by several officers about their program for the year.
Monthly Meeting & Website / Social Media Page
Gerald O'Neil -- 1st Tuesday -- 6:30pm
-- 465-3312 -- 836 Broadway, Rensselaer
Gerald O'Neil Facebook
Melvin Roads -- 2nd Tuesday -- 7pm
-- 462-7006 -- 200 Columbia Tpk., East Greenbush
Melvin Roads Squadron - Home Page
North Greenbush Memorial -- First Wednesday -- 6:30pm
-- 283-1055 -- 111 Main Av., Wynantskill
Fort Crailo -- 3rd Thursday, 6:30pm. (Subject to Band Practice)
-- Partition St., Rensselaer
Charles Waldron -- 2nd Tuesday -- 7pm
Above is last submitted / known info. from the squadrons.

Every year the SAL squadron from the Gerald O'Neil Post #1683 in Rensselaer, NY goes shopping for our veterans.
For several years now, we have spent $1000 to purchase clothing items for the veterans at the Stratton VA in Albany.
This year when I called Karen Covey with Volunteer Services, she told me they were in need of sneakers; mens' and womens'.
On Jan 6, 2011, 80 pairs of shoes were delivered by some of our members: (front) Chris B. Gilluley (Adj),
(back row, l-r) Robert (Red) Keenan, Albert Buono (Com), Robert Harwood (1st Vice), Karen Covey, and John Cleary (Sgt. @ Arms).
Submitted by Bill Shanno.

June 14, 2005 ~ Members of Melvin Roads and N. Greenbush Memorial Squadrons
presenting Bill Dallas with a Certificate naming him County Vice Commander Emeritus.

October 25, 2004 Members of Melvin Roads and N. Greenbush Memorial Squadrons

Members of Melvin Roads and Gerald O'Neil Squadrons, 2003.

Members of Gerald O'Neil and Melvin Roads Squadrons, 2002.