Chapter 1231

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Melvin Roads 1231 .org

518-462-7006 . Fax 462-5250 .

200 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (MAP)

On State Routes 9 & 20 in Clinton Heights - East Greenbush NY

        2023 - 2024 Officers:

Stephen Shannon

Anne Harrington

Sgt. At Arms
Walt Fonda

Road Captain
Adrian Mather

Vice Director / Rep. to BOD
Ernie Rau

Treasurer / Membership
Gary Lynch

Chaplain / Historian
Bill Baker

Past Presidents:

Bill Baker
Stephen Shannon
Francine Kroll

Details & Dates TBA on our facebook

Annual Blessing of the Bikes
Motorcycles, any other vehicles
and bicycles welcome!

Wednesday Evening Rides
May - October 6:30pm
weather permitting:
Leaves Stewarts (@ 1 mile east of Melvin Roads)

Rick Fonda Memorial Poker Run
Participants are responsible for their own ride,
Melvin Roads is not liable for any mishaps.

Adult Comedy Show
Professional comedians present mature ("R") rated show.
Tickets include show & 2 beverages.


We meet on the 4th Thursday of the Month at 7:00pm.
New members please arrive at 6:45pm to complete paperwork.

Dues are only $12.00 per year. If you would like more information on becoming a member contact our MEMBERSHIP OFFICER, include your phone number in your e-mail or complete an APPLICATION
and attend our next meeting.

Facebook - Melvin Roads Chapter #1231 American Legion Riders


Our main objective is " To help the children and families of severely wounded or fallen soldiers who have served in Afghanistan and/or Iraq."

Our other objectives are to...

  • meet our returning troops at the airport to welcome them home
  • escort home the severly wounded or fallen soldier
  • provide money to children and families during the transition phase for food, medical expenses or whatever is needed until they are able to support themselves
  • raise funds for the "American Legion Scholarship Fund" to ensure children of the severely wounded or fallen soldiers get an education

Melvin Roads